services, php code fixes, repairs, testing, upgrades

Our Specialty

PHP, HTML/5, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery +more
WordPress, Drupal, Android Studio, React Native etc.

Services we Offer


Website or software acting up and don’t know why?
  • Review Entire System or Section as specified by client
  • Analyze
  • Re Analyze as needed
  • Submit Report only to Client

Summary:We test and comb the system to find errors or bugs.
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This is the only service where no repairs or fixes are done. It is a service where all you require is a detailed report/summary of what is actually happening with your website. After the report is produced you can then decide to proceed with a fix, debug, or full repair depending on the situation.

Book a troubleshoot today


Have an idea of where the bug/error is and need help removing it?
  • Analyze particular section
  • Apply Fixes to section
  • Test & Apply additional fixes if requires to section
  • Submit to Client

Summary: We test the location, verify it’s there and get rid of it.
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With our debugging service clients specify the issue they are having and the general area where they believe this is taking place. This shortens the time it takes for us to go in and do what we have to do, because the general area this issue is happening has already been pointed out.

This usually involves a few, one or two issues and should not be confused with our repair service which targets your entire system.

Example: It’s like going to the auto mechanic because your engine light came on. You know it’s engine related, but you don’t know what about the engine exactly.

Book your debugging today


Know exactly where the error/bug is but got no clue how to fix it?
  • Analyze exact location
  • Fix where required
  • Test exact location
  • Submit to Client

Summary: You point out the location we jump in and fix it.
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With our fixing service clients know exactly where and what they need done. So little analyzing is required on our part, you need us to fix a specific error that is easily identifiable but problematic to fix.

This usually involves one or two issues and should not be confused with our repair service which targets your entire system.

Example: It’s like going to the auto mechanic because your tail light went out, so you need it fixed, you know the exact location and what needs to be done.

Book your fix today

Repairs (Total fix)

The whole system needs a check up and repair ASAP?
  • Review Code
  • Analyze
  • Debug / Fix
  • Test
  • Re-Test & Fix (any number of times required)
  • Submit to Client

Summary: Sit back & relax, we take care of all related bugs: Search, Test, Fix
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With our repair (total fix) service clients explain their situation and we go in a fix any areas that are problematic and are contributing to the issue you area having we do a complete scan to neutralize the symptom and cause of your problem. So little needs to be done on the clients part, we take care of it all.

In some cases you may want to do a complete system check up and fix any related and unrelated errors. If this is what you require, please specify and let us know before we begin. Also please note that extra charges may be applied.

Example 1 (related areas): It’s like going to the auto mechanic because you purchased a second hand vehicle and the seller explained that the cars shuts off by itself sometimes and is battery related. This could be related to a number of issues, so you need the mechanic to go in there a fix anything related to this.

Example 2 (complete check up): It’s like going to the auto mechanic because you finally decided to get that vehicle that’s been sitting in the lot for a few months/year on the road. You have not ideas what malfunctions there is and even if it is drive safe. So you need a complete scan.

Book your repairs today


App, website or software needs to be better?
  • Assess upgrade requirements
  • Analyze platform and Section(s) to be upgraded
  • Perform upgrade services
  • Test enhancements made
  • Submit changes and upgrades to client for review

Summary:Show us what needs to be enhanced and upgraded.
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We understand that each upgrade required is different than the other and varies in timeframe and expertise required. We sit down with you and go over each feature from start to finish that needs a change. Only then do we begin to work on delivering you the best enhancement to your platform. No upgrade is to small or large for us to work on.

Please note: Although we love working on upgrades, understand that enhancements are not creating full websites, apps etc. whether from scratch or a revamp.

Thank you for your understanding,

Book an upgrade today

Other Services

(Ask us we may just be able to help)

Got something else and not sure if we can help?
  • Web site maintenance
  • Plugin upgrades
  • API fixes
  • WordPress checkup
  • Android debugging
  • etc…and LOTS more!

So Contact Us Today